Friday, July 12, 2013

Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Pt 2 and Another Engagement

Good morning all!

Today is an exciting and sad day because it is the last day of Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week. This is the day when all of the students hard work is shown to the judges as they present financial statements and their marketing plan. I am so proud of my group of students, the 20 of them have worked so hard this week and in a small amount of time, they learn to master marketing, industry financials and many other aspects of the business world. To watch these students learn is just breathtaking.

I had an amazingly great group of students this year, they were all ridiculously smart, hard-working and grateful for this opportunity.
Here they are writing thank you letters to their sponsors - A1!

One of the other great things about volunteering here is the other company advisors that you meet, the staff at PFEW and everyone else involved are some of the most giving and wonderful people you will ever meet.


And then of course, it's a week of volunteerism with my hubby-to-be, the biggest kid there is!

It has been a wonderful week and I am sad to leave but happy to see my friend Lindsey get married tomorrow and then the Spartan Race on Sunday! I am hoping that a week of healthy eating and moderate training will be enough to help me not to get too tired during the race.

I also cannot wait to get back to Charlotte to officially congratulate my friend Kat and John who got engaged the past week. Unfortunately, we had to miss it because we are traveling but we were on pins and needles the night we knew that it was happening.

They are both in our wedding and now they will be planning a wedding of their own! Double weddings!! WOOO!

I am so happy for them, they are a wonderful couple and I know that they will have many happy years together.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

PA Free Enterprise Week Pt 1 and Wedding Venue Photos!

Hello all,

Ok, so I tried the new blog style and although it was much more dynamic, it was not very functional. To be honest, I couldn't even figure out how to get into it to write a post for about 10 minutes. I have made an executive decision to go back to a simple template because I am assuming that if I as the writer can't figure it out, than the reader probably can't either!

Wednesday, Dwayne and I took the long trek up to Pennsylvania to do some wedding stuff before we moved onto our usual summer adventure volunteering for Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week.

We met at 10am on Friday with the woman who will be coordinating our wedding, Diane, and she calmed all my potential fears about our wedding day there. The best part was that my mom came with us and got to see the location and she is 100% on board with our decision. The space is beautiful and the nice part was that another wedding was being set up while we were there and so she got a good idea of what it could look like. Although the colors being set up were far off from ours (deep rep and champagne) it still gave a pretty good representation. The people that were setting up were super nice about letting us hang around and take pictures.

View from the dance floor

Look at that entryway! ooo...


We also got a great recommendation for a rental company and a bakery so those two decisions are on their way to also being completed! WOO! : )

So after the weekend in Pittsburgh, we drove to Williamsport Pennsylvania to volunteer for our 5th summer at PFEW which is an awesome summer program to teach high school students about the aspects of business. It is an amazing program and I owe a lot of the happiness in my life to it for many reasons.

You know its going to be a good week when it starts with wedding planning and then on your trip you see a DOUBLE RAINBOW!

Double Rainbow - all the way!

I started volunteering here 5 summers ago and that is where I met the love of my life, Dwayne. We were both first time volunteers and the rest is history! Now, every year we spend our anniversary here, helping kids and hanging out with some of the best people we know.

The difference is that this year we are running the spartan race on Sunday and with the busy schedule you have as a volunteer, it becomes really hard to eat right and workout which would be a mistake to not do while we are here and then try to run such an arduous race. So far we have gotten 1 good run in and 1 good workout and plan to get another one in tomorrow since it is our coveted night off and we are done at 5pm. We tried to hit the grocery store beforehand and bring string cheese, carrots, Greek yogurt and other healthy fare when we can. Hopefully this Sunday isn't too bad! EEK!